Kneel Before Pod – Joseph Mallozzi Interview

Nov 20, 2016 | Posted by in Interviews, Podcasts

Joseph Mallozzi, creator, writer and producer of Dark Matter, kindly gave us his time for this edition of the podcast and I (Aaron) used it to talk all things Dark Matter: season 3 currently in production, the influence of anime on his writing and even a couple of points closer to my heart: will Six have to face off against Anders again and just who was Three’s third gun ‘Pip’ named after?

MallozziShow Notes

I wish I’d had more knowledge of anime to better talk through his influences but here’re the ones he gave mention to:

More details of Dark Matter season 3 can be found on Joe’s daily blog, where he regularly releases little teasers about characters, sets and plots to come. Joe can also be found on Twitter. You can also check out my season roundup of the first season and the episode reviews for season 2 right here on Kneel Before Blog.

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