Kneel Before Pod – Star Trek Discovery Flashcast

Jul 25, 2016 | Posted by in Podcasts

Following the short clip promoting the new Star Trek TV series; now titled Star Trek: Discovery myself (Craig), Sandy and Nick Cook who runs the fan web series Intrepid to have a chat about a very short clip that meandered into other somewhat connected conversations complete with background noise of a TV and a cameo from Nick’s daughter Sam.

Speaking of Star Trek: Discovery – you can find the preview clip below:

Show Notes

It’s just a quick discussion to show how excited we are and toss in a few theories. As always there were some things talked about that bear linking to:

Lastly, here are some images of Ralph McQuarrie’s concept art that clearly inspired the ship shown in the preview clip.

Star Trek Discovery

Ralph McQuarrie Enterprise

Star Trek Discovery

Another angle








Star Trek Discovery

And another