The Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #15

“Power Play Conclusion: Suit Yourself” The current arc in The Amazing Spider-Man closes off with a finale that suggests maturity for Peter Parker with darker things to come for him. I’ve really enjoyed this story for the most part. Regent was a really interesting villain back in “Renew Your Vows” so I’m glad that he…

Amazing Spider-Man #1 (2015)

“Worldwide” It doesn’t feel like long ago that I reviewed the last Amazing Spider-Man #1. It was only last year and the review can be found here. It has however been so long since I reviewed a comic that it was getting close to being a lie claiming that this website reviews comics. We do,…

On the Panel – Amazing Spider-Man (2014)

Issue #1.4 This particular issue of Amazing Spider-Man functions nicely as a microcosm of Peter Parker as a character. Structurally the story starts off with everything going very well in his academic, home and Spider-Man life, progresses to his sense of responsibility getting in the way and ends up with everything that was good about…