Spider-Man: No Way Home

“Spider-Man: No Way Home”

Peter Parker turns to Doctor Strange to cast a spell to make the world forget that he’s Spider-Man and it goes horribly wrong in Jon Watts’ Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Kneel Before Pod – Fat Depressed Alcoholic (136)

Avengers: Endgame recently released on home media and Kneel Before Pod decided that one podcast wasn’t enough to tackle this event in cinematic history. Chris takes over hosting duties and returns from the dust to lead a discussion that covers portals, endings, funerals and time travel confusion. Craig and Aaron can be found on this…

Kneel Before Pod – Avengers Relay Race (122)

Now that the dust has settled following the historic release of Avengers: Endgame, Kneel Before Pod assembles a team to discuss it. The format of this podcast is slightly different as there is no “Kneel Before/Rise Against” segment and the majority of the discussion is dictated by audience questions. Thanks to everyone who submitted one to…