The Sandman – Season 1
The Sandman Season 1
The first season of The Sandman is upon us, and one of the primary questions that must be asked is whether it does its expansive source material justice.
The Review at the End of the Universe
The Sandman Season 1
The first season of The Sandman is upon us, and one of the primary questions that must be asked is whether it does its expansive source material justice.
Earth becomes the hunting ground for an advanced alien race once again in Shane Black’s The Predator. All told the Predator franchise is in a lot better shape than some others. I’d be prepared to say that there hasn’t been a bad entry prior to this one though this is only the fourth film starring this particular…
I’ve given you my worst of the year list so I’ll end the year on a positive note with the best. 2017 was another year of change for Kneel Before Blog. The biggest change was that we switched to a star rating system for film around halfway through the year. TV will continue to be…
Hugh Jackman recently -supposedly- ended his iconic tenure as the X-Men character Wolverine in James Mangold’s Logan. To mark the occasion Craig, Angus and Natalie got together to discuss the film. Emotions ran high and there was a lot to say about the film, Hugh Jackman himself and a whole load of other barely/unconnected things…
James Mangold’s Logan places Hugh Jackman’s Logan aka Wolverine in a bleak future where he is growing older, his powers are failing him and pretty much all hope has been lost. This changes when a mysterious young girl with ties to his past comes into his life. Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is the first name many…
Luke Scott -Son of Ridley- takes a stab at the well travelled idea of artificial life and the implications of creating it. There’s a reason that fiction continues to come back to this idea and it’s a simple one. Basically it’s interesting and topical since the advances in computers and robotics are starting to make…
Natalie Portman heads to the Old West in Gavin O’Connor’s Jane Got a Gun to play a woman trying to defend her husband from a gang bent on killing him. I’ll preface this by saying that I’m not a huge fan of Westerns so my opinion might have been coloured by this but I have…