The Expanse – Season 6 Episode 6
“Babylon’s Ashes”
The Expanse comes to a final conclusion as desperate choices bring to an end the conflict with the Free Navy and also the series as a whole.
The Review at the End of the Universe
“Babylon’s Ashes”
The Expanse comes to a final conclusion as desperate choices bring to an end the conflict with the Free Navy and also the series as a whole.
“Why We Fight” The Expanse concludes its build up to the series finale that sees people reflect on how they hope to end the escalating conflict, along with everything that brought them there. In addition to compelling action and character studies, The Expanse has also delved into discussions of ethics, both as further facets of…
“Redoubt” The Expanse briefly slows its pace, allowing everyone to take stock of recent events and figure out what to do next. For all the excellent action sequences The Expanse regularly provides, it’s impossible to maintain such relentlessness without letting the actual story suffer, so every once in a while it’s nice for an episode…
“Force Projection”
The Expanse pays homage to the past while still looking forwards, as the action and tension both continue to mount.
“Azure Dragon”
The Expanse is back into the swing of things, its disparate ensemble continuing to drive the narrative as everyone takes a few steps further towards the culmination of their various stories.
“Strange Dogs”
The Expanse begins its final season in a measured manner, bringing us up to date with the state of the war against Marco Inaros and his Free Navy, and demonstrating the toll the conflict is taking on all those involved.
“Hard Vacuum” The Expanse continues its build up to the season finale with another fairly sedate episode continuing events in a holding pattern, while also continuing to put one character in particular through the wringer. After the emotional intensity of the last episode, this time the focus is more evenly spread out among the various…
“Tribes” The Expanse ploughs on in the aftermath of Inaros’ meteor attack, and everyone still alive begins the journey, physical or psychological, to get back to where they need to be. Family is the primary theme of this episode, but rather than in a tedious Next Generation fashion, instead it makes observations that we as…
“Exodus”, “Churn”, “Mother” The Expanse makes a welcome return to our streaming screens, and true to its name expands its vision of the technologically advanced far future where human foibles remain unchanged even after the passing centuries. When reviewing TV shows, it’s normally straightforward to decide the manner in which you do so, as they…
The Expanse recently completed its third season. Discovering there were other fans on the team Chris couldn’t resist getting a crew together for a chat. Kat, Aaron and Chris discuss everything from solar system politics to strange experiments and discuss a snapshot of the nerdy goings ons in our soon to be award winning “Kneel…