Containment – Season 1 Episode 10

“A Time to Be Born…” Oh my god, what the hell. A time to be born indeed. This episode Teresa fiiinally goes into labour. Separated from Xander, who is still under quarantine, she must rely on Jana & co. to help her. Jumping to Katie who is also in quarantine, we see her come to…

Containment – Season 1 Episode 9

“A Kingdom Divided Against Itself” Hello? Is anyone there? It’s interesting to see how missing an episode of a TV show can throw you out a loop so much as missing a single episode of Containment. What happened that Lex is no longer imprisoned? Did that go anywhere or was that a quick shock factor,…

Containment – Season 1 Episode 7

“Inferno” In its 7th episode, Containment focuses primarily on Jana, her stronghold, and the increasing threat from a group of tweakers who have been living in the building’s car park. With the hooligans down stairs terrorizing the folk upstairs, Jana needs to fortify the area they’ve been calling home. First of all, they need to stop…

Containment – Season 1 Episode 6

“He Stilled the Rising Tumult” What happens this week that we’ve not seen before? Well, this week I decided to have some fun and made a special Containment bingo card and it did not let me down! Having said that we’re missing Shirtless Jake / Sentimental Moment Between Bert & Lovely Wheelchair Wife / Stern Lommers…