DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 1 Episode 6

“Star City 2046” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow takes a break from exploring the past and gives us a possible future with the team stuck in a post-Apocalyptic Star City in the year 2046. I enjoy time travel stories in concept –if not always in execution- so exploring a possible future is something that really interests…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 1 Episode 5

“Fail-Safe” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow picks up where it left off last week with some of the team imprisoned in a Russian gulag as the rest try to mount a rescue. This show has lacked a sense of focus in the early episodes. Part of that has been having so many characters around and not…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 1 Episode 4

“White Knights” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow takes the team to 1986 so that they can go after Vandal Savage who has disappeared behind the Iron Curtain. With the previous episodes being broadly set in the 70s it’s refreshing to see a change in timeline. Right away the episode is given renewed energy as the team…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 1 Episode 3

“Blood Ties” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow sticks with the 1975 time period as the team go after Vandal Savage’s financial assets in an effort to reduce his resources. I have to say I was a little disappointed that this episode keeps the team in 1975 as it feels like something of a waste of the…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 1 Episode 2

“Pilot Part 2” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow concludes the two part opening by continuing the team’s mission in 1975 and moving to address many of the flaws from the first episode. The first part was heavy on exposition but fairly light on action and character development where this episode was largely the opposite. This left…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 1 Episode 1

“Pilot Part 1” With Arrow we were given a TV version of Batman, The Flash could be seen as a TV version of Spider-Man and with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow we are now given The Avengers on TV. Well, not quite but it’s the same sort of idea. There are some notable differences here such…

Arrow – Season 4 Episode 8

“Legends of Yesterday” Arrow concludes the two part crossover event started over on The Flash and finishes setting up Legends of Tomorrow by wrapping up Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s introductions. This episode was heavy on the mythology in a really good way. Seeing Prince Khufu and Priestess Shiera right where it all began and showing how their life forces became…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 8

“Legends of Today” The Flash kicks off the second annual two night crossover event with a story that introduces us to Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and Hawkgirl while still finding time to progress the lingering season arc. Kendra is the catalyst for bringing the two teams together as she is targeted by Vandal…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 5

“The Darkness and the Light” Earth-2 Harrison Wells makes his presence known to the Flash and his team with the promise of being able to help them take on Zoom as another Earth-2 Metahuman is sent to kill Barry. I’m going to call Earth-2 Harrison Wells Harry because that’s how Cisco refers to him and…