Arrow – Season 8 Episode 10

“Fadeout” Arrow ends its 8 year run with the return of some old friends and a final goodbye for Oliver Queen. Planned series finales are difficult because the writers have to come up with a way to conclude a show in a way that proves satisfying for fans while also finding the right final words…

Arrow – Season 8 Episode 1

“Starling City” Arrow begins its eighth and final season with a trip down memory lane to the beginnings of Oliver Queen’s crusade. TV shows in their final season often get nostalgic because they’ve earned the right to do so. Seven seasons on the air builds up a significant legacy and Arrow has always been good…

Arrow – Season 6 Episode 22

“The Ties that Bind” Arrow prepares for the season finale by escalating the conflict with Ricardo Diaz and throwing seemingly insurmountable odds at the characters. The villains in Arrow have always been somewhat repetitive in their approach to taking on Oliver Queen and the people he surrounds himself with. This observation isn’t entirely a criticism…

Arrow – Season 6 Episode 21

“Docket No. 11-19-41-73” Arrow puts Oliver Queen on trial and makes many of the other characters make difficult choices when they are made to testify. The trial story has been left on the back burner for so much of this season. It had gotten to the point where I was sure that the writers had…

EIFF 2015 – Every Secret Thing

Celebrated documentary filmmaker Amy Berg directs the crime thriller Every Secret Thing. The film focuses on the recurring crime of kidnapped children within a given area. It all starts out well enough with a look into similar events that happened years ago building up a sense of intrigue that quickly fizzles out in the convoluted…

On the D/L – Arrow

Season 3 Episode 14 – “The Return” The title of this episode of Arrow works on so many levels this week. We have Oliver returning to Lian Yu which gives us the return of Slade Wilson as well as the flashbacks chronicling Oliver’s return to Starling City for 24 hours. I did appreciate that the…

On the D/L – Arrow

Season 3 Episode 2 – “Sara” Team Arrow say goodbye to one of their own and try to track down the killer of Sara. There isn’t much to go on other than the killer used arrows to take her down and there not being many known people in the world with this as their MO….