The Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #15

“Power Play Conclusion: Suit Yourself” The current arc in The Amazing Spider-Man closes off with a finale that suggests maturity for Peter Parker with darker things to come for him. I’ve really enjoyed this story for the most part. Regent was a really interesting villain back in “Renew Your Vows” so I’m glad that he…

Superman #2

“Son of Superman Part Two” DC’s excellent Rebirth stories continue with the second issue of Superman. Unfortunately I was too busy to review issue 1 so hopefully I can make up for that with this one. This issue continues what was established in the previous one with the new Superman’s son, Jonathan starting to develop…

Civil War II #1

We’ve recently had a film adaptation of the first Civil War in cinemas with Captain America: Civil War and now we have the thematic follow-up to the comic story with Civil War II written by Brian Michael Bendis and art by David Marquez. The first Civil War was an ideological battle between Captain America and…

Superman Rebirth #1

Contrary to the output of the past few months, Kneel Before Blog does review comics but the lack of evidence for that recently can be attributed to a lack of time on my part as well as anyone else. Now that the TV schedule has dried up a fair bit I’m very keen to revive…