Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 7

“Chaos Theory” After revealing the true identity of Lash, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD explores the effect such a revelation has on the various characters. Closest to this is May who is clearly having trouble dealing with finding this out. She is usually a very guarded person who keeps her emotions in check but it’s visibly…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 6

“Among Us Hide…” After a short departure from the norm last week with Simmons on an alien planet, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns to planet Earth and developing the other plots. Simmons problem hasn’t been completely pushed aside as it gets some lip service here when Fitz reminds her that he is working on the…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 3

“A Wanted (Inhu)Man” Lincoln returns to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD on the run from the government agency established in the first episode while Daisy makes it her personal mission to get to him before they do. Having Lincoln’s situation be the main plot of the episode was a massive misstep as it was nothing but…