Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 5 Episode 22

“The End” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD ends its fifth season by revealing whether it’s possible to change the future and save the planet. This season has focused on a singular story told in two distinct arcs. In the first the characters learn about a really dark future and in the second they try to figure…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 5 Episode 21

“The Force of Gravity” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD prepares for the finale by exploring Talbot’s motivation and letting the team take the fight to the aliens. This is an episode that definitely favours action over plot but that doesn’t make it a bad episode. It’s actually quite the opposite and makes for a confident outing…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 5 Episode 20

“The One Who Will Save Us All” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD explores the extent of Talbot’s recent infusion of powers as the threat to Earth becomes more urgent. Last week saw Talbot become the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Graviton. Before this the show had done a lot of good work establishing how dangerous using…