iZombie – Season 1 Episode 5

“Flight of the Living Dead” It was only a matter of time before a case came up in iZombie that Liv has a personal connection to. I’m glad that it’s taken this long because if it happened every other week it’d start to feel a little played out. Of course the underlying premise means that…

On the D/L – iZombie

Season 1 Episode 4 – “Liv and Let Clive” iZombie allows Liv to take a little bit of a back seat and develop some of the supporting characters while moving things along with the background stories. The conceit this week is that Liv eats the brains of an Asian gang member who was brutally stomped…

On the D/L – iZombie

Season 1 Episode 3 – “The Exterminator” iZombie gives viewers further insight into Liv as she solves two connected murders in the space of the space of a single episode. After her more artistic brain consumption last week we’re given an interesting contrast when she ingests the brain of a sociopath contract killer. This causes…

On the D/L – iZombie

Season 1 Episode 2 – Brother, Can you Spare a Brain? iZombie continues to build on the strong foundation laid down by the first episode by giving us further insight into Liv as she works to solve another murder. The victim this week is a polyamorous artist who is murdered by having a paint brush…