Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 6

“Required Reading” Teen Wolf‘s fifth season continues as episode 6 starts off with a flash forward to the end of the episode. The flash forward sees Scott and Malia fighting off the Dread Doctors but Scott being unable to do so because he can’t breathe. He reaches for his inhaler but the Dread Doctors step…

Teen Wolf – Season 5 Episode 5

“A Novel Approach” It’s like this show keeps getting better with every episode. Anyway, Teen Wolf returns with another dark episode filled with blood and gore, the mystery behind the Dread Doctors, suspense and the long awaited “Stydia” moment, (the ship name for Stiles and Lydia), something us die hard fans have been waiting for…

Teen Wolf – Season 5 Episode 4

“Condition Terminal” Teen Wolf returns with yet another fantastic episode, and I am pretty happy to say that this season is following the same roots that made Teen Wolf popular in the first place. While this season keeps getting better, we are still left with a thousand other questions that are left unanswered. What I…

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 3

“Dreamcatchers” Teen Wolf returns once again with another thrilling and engaging episode. The whole situation that is taking place in this season is still shrouded in mystery and I’m still trying to figure out what is going on. They didn’t touch on Theo this episode, although I was really excited to see what was up…

Teen Wolf – Season 5 Episode 2

“Parasomnia” The second episode of Teen Wolf Season 5 airs a day after the premiere. No idea why they premiered the second episode a day after the first but hey, I’m not complaining. This episode confirms my suspicion about the newly introduced character, Theo. He does seem to have evil motives but it’s difficult to…

Teen Wolf – Season 5 Episode 1

“Creatures of the Night” After a very underwhelming and average conclusion to the fourth season of Teen Wolf, we’re back with the Season 5 premiere “Creatures Of The Night” almost a year later. I have to say, Season 4 was not my cup of tea and this is coming from someone who has been really…

On the Silver Screen – The Maze Runner

Another young adult book series is adapted into a film franchise with The Maze Runner. Apparently this is the first of 3 books so we can expect 4 films in total from this franchise if prior examples remain consistent. This particular story involves a teenage heartthrob named Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) who finds himself deposited in…