10 Best Movies of 2017

I’ve given you my worst of the year list so I’ll end the year on a positive note with the best. 2017 was another year of change for Kneel Before Blog. The biggest change was that we switched to a star rating system for film around halfway through the year. TV will continue to be…

Kneel Before Pod – Logan

Hugh Jackman recently -supposedly- ended his iconic tenure as the X-Men character Wolverine in James Mangold’s Logan. To mark the occasion Craig, Angus and Natalie got together to discuss the film. Emotions ran high and there was a lot to say about the film, Hugh Jackman himself and a whole load of other barely/unconnected things…


James Mangold’s Logan places Hugh Jackman’s Logan aka Wolverine in a bleak future where he is growing older, his powers are failing him and pretty much all hope has been lost. This changes when a mysterious young girl with ties to his past comes into his life. Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is the first name many…