Dark Matter – Season 2 Episode 13

“Episode 26 – But First, We Save the Galaxy” Dark Matter season 2 ends as it began with the Raza crew in some pretty serious trouble. We also see many little hail backs to previous episodes and even to season 1, with Ferrous Corp the clear enemy and the crew having to rely on a…

Dark Matter – Season 2 Episode 12

“Episode 25 – Sometimes In Life You Don’t Get to Choose” The Raza crew take their first steps in Dark Matter politics by helping Ryo ascend the throne of Zairon. I’ve been waiting for this; I do love some politics to go with my ideological discussions. I’m not sure where the story goes from here…

Dark Matter – Season 2 Episode 5

“Episode 18 – We Voted Not to Space You” Are you one of those people hoping for a crossover between Dark Matter and Killjoys? If you are then I’ll bet that you loved this week’s opening scene, with the Android having to bring in a target who of course resists, leading to a serious backside-kicking of a bar fight….

Dark Matter – Season 2 Episode 4

“Episode 17 – We Were Family” Dark Matter this week builds heavily on the background plots of Three and The Android. It’s easy to forget that The Android also had her memory wiped in the first episode of season 1 and so also has a past to remember. Here though, it’s revealed that her emotional responses…

Dark Matter – Season 2 Episode 3

“Episode 16 – I’ve Seen the Other Side of You” Dark Matter has come to mean so much to me that it feels like a betrayal to not love an episode. Yet despite this feeling, I am going to say I wasn’t so taken with Episode 16. Not that there weren’t things to like in the…

Dark Matter – Season 2 Episode 2

Episode 15 – Kill Them All “Kill Them All” is a title that by itself promises to put the dark in Dark Matter, one of the three things we were told to expect in season 2. Episode 14 covered the others very well I thought – there being more world building through the corporations’ plotline and certainly One…