Transformers: The Last Knight

Michael Bay brings us another dose of giant robot action in his fifth entry to the Transformers cinematic canon; Transformers: The Last Knight. Anyone who has seen any of these movies before this one will know the drill. Nothing about this is any different nor is there any real desire to reinvent what has come…

Supergirl – Season 1 Episode 11

“Strange Visitor From Another Planet” Supergirl explores the origins of the Martian Manhunter when a White Martian attacks threatens National City. J’onn J’onzz aka the Martian Manhunter has had a rich comic book history that comes with a large amount of tragedy. In a lot of ways his origins are very similar to Superman with…

Supergirl – Season 1 Episode 10

“Childish Things” Supergirl shakes up the status quo a bit when Winn’s father, Winslow Schott Sr. (Henry Czerny) escapes from prison and attempts a reconciliation with his son. Ever since Winn was introduced in the first episode there has been speculation from fans that he might be destined to go down a dark path and emerge…

Supergirl – Season 1 Episode 9

“Blood Bonds” Supergirl returns after the winter break and picks up right where it left off with Non’s assault on Maxwell Lord’s facility and Kara’s confrontation of him. I mentioned in the review of the last episode that the cliffhanger was a fairly underwhelming one and the resolution does little to redeem it. Kara’s fight…

Supergirl – Season 1 Episode 7

“Human for a Day” Kara loses her powers and National City has to find a way to cope without Supergirl when a devastating Earthquake strikes the city and injures a lot of people. Every superhero story has to deal with the hero losing their powers as a way to prove that there is more to…

Supergirl – Season 1 Episode 6

“Red Faced” Supergirl introduces Red Tornado (Iddo Goldberg) and Dr. T.O. Morrow (also played by Iddo Goldberg) while Kara struggles to deal with some really intense anger issues that bleed into all aspects of her life. Anger is the big theme of the week and the episode explores how dangerous an emotion it can be…