Spider-Gwen – Issue #1

Greater Power: Part 1 Ever since Marvel announced Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman as a Spider-Verse character she hass been widely loved. A lot of fan-art, cosplays, and overall appreciation has been widespread on the internet since. With such outstanding popularity she’s was given her very own series and after Secret Wars she’s back! When her first…

On the Panel – Spider-Gwen

Issue #1 Spider-Verse is over -more over less- and fan favourite Spider-Gwen is given her own ongoing series. Something about this character has had her resonate with readers and it’s great that she’s managed to stick around with her own title. If you haven’t read her first appearance or any of her subsequent appearances in…

On The Panel – Edge of Spider-Verse

Issue 2 Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman Rarely does a comic book live up to the extensive hype it receives. On the internet and social media Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman has been eagerly anticipated by a lot of people so the gauntlet was well and truly laid down long before release here. Given that this comic is only…