Supernatural – Season 12 Episode 10

“Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” Supernatural continues with the Nephilim concept when Angels start turning up dead under mysterious circumstances. It’s clear that Lucifer’s illegitimate lovechild is going to be the major story this season. This episode even teases the fact that the child of an Archangel will be insanely powerful and it could be…

Continuum – Season 4 Episode 6

“Final Hour” The last ever Continuum episode – ‘Final Hour’ – finishes the show on a moment perhaps geared for the parents in the audience. The final message is one of sacrifice: you should give of yourself to build a better future for your children. Now, I said that I wasn’t looking for a perfect…

Continuum – Season 4 Episode 5

‘The Desperate Hours’ ‘The Desperate Hours’ are those of Continuum season 4’s fifth and penultimate episode, in which the characters fall into desperation as they fear their plans may fall apart. Kiera needs so many pieces in place to arrange her trip to the future and only Alec remains steadfastly by her side. Brad is torn by his feelings…

Continuum – Season 4 Episode 4

“Zero Hour” Continuum season 4’s fourth episode – ‘Zero Hour’ – is the hour of answers. Some characters are perhaps still to show their hands and the physics of it all might still be a little in question but we’ve now been shown most of the background. The soldiers are building a portal to the…