iZombie – Season 5 Episode 1

“Thug Death” iZombie returns for its fifth and final season by picking up on where the previous season left off and showcasing what has changed for the characters. This episode picks up 6 months after the events of the fourth season finale and spends a fair chunk of time reminding the audience of the status…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 13

“And He Shall be a Good Man” iZombie ends its fourth season with Zombies attempting to escape Seattle, an attempted execution and wrapping up several plot threads. This has been a very busy season and I’ve talked at length about how it doesn’t quite hang together as well as it should. Despite its flaws, it’s…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 12

“You’ve Got to Hide Your Liv Away” iZombie prepares for the season finale with loyalties tested, identities revealed, possible hope for the future and the promise of a national Zombie outbreak. I have been more critical of this show in recent reviews than I usually am because I feel that it has lacked clear focus…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 11

“Insane in the Germ Brain” iZombie continues to build towards the upcoming Human/Zombie conflict when Angus’ message reaches a lot more people than initially intended. This is one of those episodes where it’s difficult to answer the question of what it’s actually about. A lot goes on but the lack of focus on any one…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 10

“Yippee Ki Brain, Motherscratcher” iZombie further explores Isobel’s contribution to the show as Chase redoubles his efforts to find out the identity of the new Renegade. Isobel has been an interesting addition to the cast so far. There’s a tragic end built into her character that it’s always important to be mindful of but the…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 9

“Mac-Liv-Moore” iZombie puts New Seattle on lockdown as Blaine comes up with a new nefarious plan and the idea of Zombie virus immunity is explored. This marks the second episode in a short space of time where the traditional format is dispensed with. The first was better for it and this episode follows up on…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 8

“Chivalry Is Dead” iZombie explores the world of LARPing (Live Action Roleplaying) when Liv ingests the brain of someone heavily into the pass time. I say this episodes explores the world of LARPing, it would be more accurate to say that it makes fun of it with very little affection thrown in its direction. Given…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 7

“Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Brain” iZombie puts Liv on the brain of a sexually charged pick up artist as she furthers her mission to become the next Renegade by attempting something creative. As I’ve probably said many times, the overall quality of an episode can live or die by how entertaining the brain…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 6

“My Really Fair Lady” iZombie picks up Liv’s plan to carry on what Mama Leone started in order to find a way to help the people either most in need or forgotten by society. This season of iZombie is dead set on holding up a mirror to our own world by exaggerating some of the…

iZombie – Season 4 Episode 5

“Goon Struck” iZombie draws a line in the sand and encourages the characters to pick a side in the upcoming conflict that will split Seattle’s population. This is a show with moral grey areas but at this point there are two distinct sides in this upcoming conflict. The largest side is Fillmore Graves and they…