Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three

The heroes of the DC Multiverse face the end of everything in Jeff Wamester’s Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three. Adapting an event like “Crisis on Infinite Earths” is undeniably a massive undertaking. The sheer scale of it makes translating it to a different medium a challenge. The Arrowverse’s attempt produced mixed results…

Green Lantern: Beware My Power

Green Lantern: Beware My Power

Recently discharged Marine sniper John Stewart has his life upended after coming into possession of an extraterrestrial ring granting him superpowers and additional responsibility in Jeff Wamester’s Green Lantern: Beware My Power.

Kneel Before Pod – Marvel’s Inhumans

Marvel’s Inhumans has brought an end to its first -and likely- only season so Kneel Before Pod saw fit to give it a send-off in the form of a podcast since we were there at the very beginning. Craig and Chris took on the responsibility of talking about this show. The discussion covers the numerous…

Marvel’s Inhumans – Season 1 Episode 8

“…And Finally, Black Bolt” Marvel’s Inhumans ends its first -and possibly only- season with significant changes for the Royal Family and the Inhuman population as a whole. So it’s finally done and if reports about ratings and overwhelmingly negative critical reception are to be believed we won’t be seeing any more of these characters; certainly…

Marvel’s Inhumans – Season 1 Episode 7

“Havoc in the Hidden Land” The Royal Family return to Attilan and loyalties shift in the penultimate episode of Marvel’s Inhumans. Anyone who has been reading my reviews over the course of the season will know that I’ve found this show to be an exercise in frustration. The only two things keeping me watching are…

Marvel’s Inhumans – Season 1 Episode 6

“The Gentleman’s Name is Gorgon” Marvel’s Inhumans reunites the entire Royal Family as Maximus feels his hold on Attilan start to slip away. There are only two episodes left in the season after this one and we are finally getting to the point where the entire Royal Family are back together. I wish I could…

Marvel’s Inhumans – Season 1 Episode 5

“Something Inhuman This Way Comes” Marvel’s Inhumans finally brings most of the Royal Family back together as Crystal learns what it means to be Human. The past few episodes concentrating on the characters being on their own has been somewhat frustrating. As I’ve repeatedly said they aren’t interesting or sympathetic so waiting for them to…

Marvel’s Inhumans – Season 1 Episode 4

“Make Way for…Medusa” Marvel’s Inhumans reaches the halfway point and starts to work on reuniting the characters as Maximus moves forward with his plan. I mentioned last week that Medusa was one of the stronger characters in that particular episode. That really isn’t saying much but she did have one genuinely emotionally resonant moment that…