5 Worst Films of 2016 (Team)

Craig Since this is the first year that more than one person has handled film reviews it was decided that a consensus should be reached on the best and worst films of the year. A long discussion was had with beer in the mix and we reached an agreement. If you want to know the…

10 Worst Films of 2016 (Craig)

2016 was a year of growth and change for Kneel Before Blog. One of those changes was that I got some help with the film reviews in the form of Graeme. With his help it meant that the website was able to cover more films than ever before. More importantly it also meant that I…

10 Worst Films of 2016 (Graeme)

It’s that time of year, and “the boss” told me it was time to put together the top ten best and worst lists for 2016, so let’s get stuck in with the stinkers. Before I start, just a quick note to say there may have been films I enjoyed less than some of the movies…

Jason Bourne

Matt Damon reunites with director Paul Greengrass to bring the amnesiac super soldier back to cinemas in Jason Bourne; the fifth -though one was a spinoff- film in the series. For the longest time, Matt Damon insisted that there was no story to tell and later he said he would only return if Paul Greengrass…