Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 11

“The Wolf Inside” Star Trek: Discovery continues to explore the Mirror Universe through Michael posing as her duplicate as the mystery surrounding Ash Tyler is finally answered. This episode focuses more on a psychological exploration of the Mirror Universe rather than a physical one. Last week was all about letting the shock of where the…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 10

“Despite Yourself” Star Trek: Discovery returns from Winter Hiatus to deal with the cliffhanger posed in the previous episode and line up the arc for the next few episodes. Before beginning it’s worth noting that this episode feels more special because it’s directed by Jonathan Frakes, the man who brought us Commander William T. Riker and…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 9

“Into the Forest I Go” Star Trek: Discovery stages a showdown with the Klingons and establishes a new problem for the crew to deal with when the show returns after a winter hiatus. The previous episode ended with the promise of a long delayed one on one between the Discovery and the Klingon Ship of the…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 8

“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” Star Trek: Discovery brings the War with the Klingons into focus as members of the crew participate in an unusual away mission. It’s fair to say that this episode opens with a bang. The Discovery jumps in to rescue a Federation Ship up against overwhelming odds and the episode really…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 7

“Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad” Star Trek: Discovery dusts off the repeating time loop plot forcing the crew to find a way to save the ship and restore time to its normal linear progression. Time loops are the sort of high concept storytelling that will turn up in pretty much any sci-fi…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 6

“Lethe” Star Trek: Discovery explores the connection between Michael and Sarek during a race against time to rescue him. One of the earliest things this show did was establish that Sarek raised Michael as if she were a Vulcan and that relationship helped define the person she would become. In the second episode it was…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 5

“Choose Your Pain” The crew has to pull together to rescue Captain Lorca after he’s captured by the Klingons in the latest Star Trek: Discovery. Having the Captain be captured by an enemy is a staple of any Star Trek series. The reasons for continually returning to this well of storytelling are obvious. For one…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 1 Episode 4

“The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry” Star Trek: Discovery continues to build the mystery around the experimental engine as the War with the Klingons continues to rage. This episode seems to mark a rough format that the show will follow and it’s not dissimilar to a formula followed by many of the…