The son of a noble family navigates a complex political landscape as he prepares for an increasingly uncertain future in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune.
The Review at the End of the Universe
The son of a noble family navigates a complex political landscape as he prepares for an increasingly uncertain future in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune.
I had tried to make it along to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge last week, only for the IMAX projector to break. Thus, I had believed that fate had destined this current wringing out of the franchise for the last of its pennies had missed its chance of a review, Craig having vowed…
Pierre Morel’s The Gunman casts Sean Penn as a sniper on a mercenary assassination team forced to go into hiding after a successful kill shot puts him on a hit list. Following in Liam Neeson’s aging action hero footsteps Sean Penn does a really capable job of doing the action hero thing. He has an…