Hawkeye – Season 1 Episodes 1 & 2

“Never Meet Your Heroes” and “Hide and Seek”

The Marvel Cinematic universe goes back to one of the original Avengers in Hawkeye; a Christmas set Disney+ TV series where the titular Archer just wants to have a quiet life with his family.

What If…? – Season 1 Episode 1

“…Captain Carter Were The First Avenger”

The Marvel Cinematic Universe delivers its first animated project with What If…?; the first outing featuring an alternate scenario where Peggy Carter is given the Super Soldier Serum instead of Steve Rogers.

Kneel Before Pod – Fat Depressed Alcoholic (136)

Avengers: Endgame recently released on home media and Kneel Before Pod decided that one podcast wasn’t enough to tackle this event in cinematic history. Chris takes over hosting duties and returns from the dust to lead a discussion that covers portals, endings, funerals and time travel confusion. Craig and Aaron can be found on this…