Doctor Who – New Year’s Day Special 2021

“Revolution of the Daleks” A new year brings new Doctor Who with the Doctor being once again plagued by her most famous foe as an old friend shows up to provide assistance. Dalek episodes are an interesting phenomenon in Doctor Who for a few reasons. Of course they’re the most famous enemy the Doctor has…

Arrow – Season 8 Episode 1

“Starling City” Arrow begins its eighth and final season with a trip down memory lane to the beginnings of Oliver Queen’s crusade. TV shows in their final season often get nostalgic because they’ve earned the right to do so. Seven seasons on the air builds up a significant legacy and Arrow has always been good…

Arrow – Season 6 Episode 2

“Tribute” Arrow deals with identity as a concept following Oliver being potentially outed as the Green Arrow last week. This episode deals with identity in a very literal sense -with the investigation into Oliver Queen- but also in a broader sense. I’ll cover the literal first because it’s the most simplistic. Arrow has done this…

Arrow – Season 6 Episode 1

“Fallout” Arrow returns for a sixth season and answers the mystery of who survived the destruction of Lian Yu at the end of last season. Opening season 6 was always going to be an uphill struggle for the writers of this show. Season 5 was a creative high and the finale numbers among the best…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 3 Episode 1

“Aruba-Con” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returns for a third season and confronts the characters with the prospect of dealing with broken time. It’s always frustrating when a great cliffhanger has a really underwhelming conclusion. A corrupted version of Los Angeles where unexpected structures like Pyramids can be found right next to skyscrapers and Dinosaurs roam…

Kneel Before Pod – Arrow Season 5

The DC TV Universe -sometimes referred to as the Arrowverse or the Berlantiverse- will soon return for another dose of superhero insanity. Before that happens; Kneel Before Pod just do a series of episodes on the previous seasons. The concluding chapter is Arrow season 5 where Craig and Chris do a quick round-up of their…

Arrow – Season 5 Episode 23

“Lian Yu” Arrow closes off its fifth season by focusing on Oliver’s final battle with Adrian Chase and bringing an end to the flashbacks. Last week set the stage for the conflict by outlining the stakes and setting up Oliver’s temporary team with the enigmatic cliffhanger showing him asking Slade Wilson for help. The opening…

Arrow – Season 5 Episode 22

“Missing” Arrow sets the stage for the season finale when the next phase of Adrian Chase’s plan is set in motion and Oliver struggles to counter it. One of the most frustrating tropes in modern genre storytelling is the villain being caught because it’s part of their plan. It can be clever when executed correctly…

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 2 Episode 17

“Aruba” DC’s Legends of Tomorrow closes off season 2 with a radical plan to stop the Legion of Doom from changing reality using the Spear of Destiny. I’ve criticised both this show and The Flash in the past for their inconsistent time travel rules. Broadly speaking the rules seem to be whatever the writers want to use…