How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Change threatens the harmony between Humans and Dragon in Dean DeBlois’ How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. The How to Train Your Dragon franchise numbers among the strongest animated franchises with two previous entries that are roughly equal in quality and polish as well as a collection of series on Netflix that definitely have an…

10 Best Movies of 2017

I’ve given you my worst of the year list so I’ll end the year on a positive note with the best. 2017 was another year of change for Kneel Before Blog. The biggest change was that we switched to a star rating system for film around halfway through the year. TV will continue to be…

The LEGO Batman Movie

Chris McKay gives the LEGO movie franchise its second outing with The LEGO Batman Movie where the blocky Dark Knight builds his way to a safer Gotham City. The Lego Movie was a pleasant surprise as it could have so easily been a shameless excuse for product placement but the end result was something far…

War Dogs

After a busy old July and August it’s back to reviewing for you fine folks, and the first chance I’ve had to see something not already covered by this fine site was director Todd Phillips’ (Old School, The Hangover) new offering War Dogs. Over the last few weeks the trailer for this has been popping…

Sausage Party

Various food items ponder the nature of existence while making as many lowbrow puns as possible in Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon’s Sausage Party. This film has a premise that is difficult to sum up in a brief opening sentence but that’s the general idea here. If you imagine Toy Story but with food then…

Hail, Caesar!

The Coen Brothers’ Hail, Caesar! follows Hollywood Fixer Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin) as he runs himself ragged dealing with all of the issues that plague famous 1950s Hollywood figures. As a satire of Hollywood in the 1950s it works really well with George Clooney’s Baird Whitlock embodying the arrogantly charming megastar trope, Alden Ehrenreich’s Hobie…