Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 8

“The Laws of Inferno Dynamics” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD brings Robbie’s conflict with Eli to a head as Aida’s true nature becomes much clearer. Robbie’s quest for vengeance has been the driving force of the opening arc of this season and it has been handled really well. Gabriel Luna has been great as Robbie Reyes…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 7

“Deals With Our Devils” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD returns from an extended hiatus with Coulson, Fitz and Robbie on the other side while the rest of the team tries to make sense of the situation. Wow we haven’t seen this show in a while. Four weeks off the air is definitely a sure fire way…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 6

“The Good Samaritan” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD reveals the origin of Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider as Lucy moves her plan to the next level. Origin stories are something we’ve all seen more than enough times to be tired of them and I wasn’t sure we really needed to see just how Robbie Reyes became Ghost…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 5

“Lockup” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD lets us see the pay-off of Daisy and Robbie agreeing to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. to get the Darkhold. It’s another one of those race against time sort of missions and this show does it so well. On one hand it’s good to see this show continue to play to its…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 4

“Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD takes the first steps towards bringing Daisy back into the fold as everything starts to converge. Four episodes is a good amount of time for Daisy to be out on her own and punishing herself for her mistakes. It does get to a point…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 3

“Uprising” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD makes the most of a standard blackout plot by focusing on how the characters react to the various challenges in front of them. A blackout is a fairly common trope in shows like this but the episode makes up for it by ramping up the tension and pacing by providing…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 4 Episode 2

“Meet the New Boss” The new director makes his debut in Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD as Daisy continues to investigate the mysterious Robbie Reyes. I had avoided information about the new director up until seeing this episode. All I really knew was that someone had been cast but I chose not to look into who…