Without Remorse

A Navy SEAL embarks on a campaign to avenge his wife’s murder and finds himself in the midst of a massive conspiracy in Stefano Sollima’s Without Remorse. Many would say we live in a very cynical time where there’s widespread distrust of government, long established institutions, law enforcement, the military and pretty much anything else…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 22

“Ascension” Season 3 of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD closes off with the promise of a death fulfilled and Hive’s story apparently fully resolved. First off I’ll talk about the resolution of the cliffhanger. I wasn’t sure in the previous review whether Daisy begging for Hive to take her back was genuine or not but I…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 21

“Absolution” The penultimate episode of the third season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD sees the team take the fight to Hive as his plan to unleash his new virus on the world accelerates. ABC chose to air both of these episodes on the same night but they aren’t edited together as they were last season…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 20

“Emancipation” Captain America: Civil War infects Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD with the mandatory annual tie in that reminds us that the show is part of this shared universe. I don’t mean this in a negative sense because I actually thought that this was the best tie in that they’ve done on this show so far….

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 19

“Failed Experiments” Coulson tries to take the fight to Hive in order to end that threat once and for all as Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD begins the home stretch towards the final episode of the season. I get the feeling that the writers realised with this episode that there are only a handful left before the…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 18

“The Singularity” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD sees the team lick their wounds after Daisy’s attack on the base and try to figure out their next move. The team have had to endure some severe losses over the past few episodes. Bobbi and Hunter leaving lost them some significant skills so Daisy being under Hive’s control…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 17

“The Team” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD brings the Secret Warriors together to mount a rescue mission while Hive’s influence creates a lot of mistrust. There wasn’t anything about the early part of the episode I didn’t like. Daisy signaling Joey and Elena while they were in the middle of their day to day lives was…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 16

“Paradise Lost” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD explores Gideon Malick’s past and the effect it has on his present as Hive proves to be not what he hoped. The theme of the past coming back to haunt is the theme that holds this episode together and it’s handled really well. We get insight into Gideon Malick’s…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 15

“Spacetime” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD tackles the idea of changing the future when Daisy has a vision of terrible things happening. Prophetic visions are nothing new in sci fi and fantasy. Most shows have had knowledge of future events be the focus of a story and it’s always a difficult thing to do. When predictions…

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD – Season 3 Episode 14

“Watchdogs” Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD gives Mack and Lincoln the majority of the focus as an extremist group start a violent campaign to get their point across. Just under a month from now -in the UK anyway- sees the release of the highly anticipated cinematic spectacle that is Captain America: Civil War. I’ve kept away…