The Flash – Season 2 Episode 9

“Running to Stand Still” The Flash caps off 2015 with a midseason finale featuring a villain team-up of Weather Wizard and the Trickster who unite with one simple goal, kill the Flash. It was a pretty simple villain story but no less effective for being one. The long and short of it is that Weather…

The Flash – Season 1 Episode 7

“Gorilla Warfare” Grodd returns to The Flash at the worst possible time. With Barry incapacitated it is up to Team Flash to use their collective genius to stop Grodd without the benefit of Barry’s speed. I mentioned last season that the visual effects for Grodd were excellent and this episode proves that it wasn’t a fluke….

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 6

“Enter Zoom” After several teases, The Flash finally gives audiences a proper look at the mysterious Zoom and shows him to be a villain that is not to be taken lightly. This episode actually reminded me a lot of “Rogue Air” in that the expectations for the episode were for the conflict with the villain but…

On the D/L – The Flash

Season 1 Episode 13 – “The Nuclear Man” The Flash gives plenty of payoff to the Firestorm subplot that has been quietly running in the background the last few episodes. The death of Ronnie Raymond during the accelerator explosion is something that we saw really early on in the run of this show and it…