Secret Wars #1

The Marvel Universe has been running for 54 years now. With many scrambled stories and universes it is time for Marvel Comics to let a new universe come and their old stories go. At last upon the final chapter to give a fresh, clean slate for the future of Marvel Comics. The stories and characters…

Thor – Issue #7

The November 2014 Reboot of Thor is still an action-packed and interesting comic. Now on its 7th issue with more amazing artwork and story to tell. We start with a possible hint of who the new Thor is before she took upon Mjolnir and the name of Thor with a prequel sequence from that character’s point of…

On the Panel – Superior Iron Man

Issue #3 At the end of the previous issue Tony Stark used Extremis to cure Daredevil of his blindness in an attempt to tempt him to come round to his way of thinking. The first page is really effective at conveying Matt Murdock regaining his sight. It starts off with complete darkness in the first…

On the Panel – Spider-Verse Team-Up

Issue #2 Two Spider-Verse stories for the price of one here -sort of- so I will cover them separately and rate them separately with an overall score presenting itself for the comic. Too Many Spider-Men This story was fully teased in Amazing Spider-Man #11 with a brief look at Miles Morales and Animated Ultimate Spider-Man…

On the Panel – The Amazing Spider-Man

Issue #11 Spider-Verse rages on in The Amazing Spider-Man #11 with more subgroups splitting off from the whole to accomplish various missions. I’ve had a bit of a hiatus from comic writing lately due to lack of time and lack of anything worthwhile to say but I’m making up for it this week with 2 reviews….

On the Panel – Superior Iron Man

Issue # 2 In the second issue of Superior Iron Man Daredevil steps in to directly oppose Tony Stark’s plans to change San Francisco’s residents using Extremis. His plan revolves around using a paid app to make people superficially beautiful in order to maximise profits for himself. The best thing about this story is that Tony…

On the Panel – Death of Wolverine

Issue 4 This event was announced quite some time ago and it has taken a while to build to this point. To my mind it was fairly obvious once I learned that Wolverine had lost his healing factor. It’s no bad thing to take some time to celebrate the character and remind readers of why…

On the Panel – Nightcrawler

Issue 7 Despite the fact that Wolverine’s demise was a week away at the time of this comic being released the X-Men tie in titles are getting a head start on eulogising Wolverine. Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler and Wolverine were very good friends ever since they first started working together in Giant Size X-Men #1,…

On The Panel – The Amazing Spider-Man

Issue #7 Some interesting things raised in this issue. For the first time since Peter has returned to his own body he has acknowledged that Doc Ock’s methods were effective. Anna Maria calls Peter out on his sense of responsibility and suggests that great responsibility doesn’t mean all of the responsibility. She reminds him that…

On the Panel – Captain America

Issue 25 The title of this issue makes me laugh: “Who is the New Captain America?” isn’t going to be a surprise to most people given that Marvel has been marketing Sam Wilson aka Falcon wielding the shield for a few weeks now. It seems to be a time of huge changes in Marvel comics…