Arrow – Season 4 Episode 17

“Beacon of Hope” Arrow decides to cut loose and have some fun for a change as the Brie Larvin aka the Bug-Eyed Bandit (Emily Kinney) puts Palmer Tech under siege looking for the same device that restored Felicity’s ability to walk. Brie Larvin was a less than memorable villain when she appeared on The Flash…

Arrow – Season 4 Episode 16

“Broken Hearts” Arrow deals with the fallout of the Oliver and Felicity break-up while Damien Darhk has his day in court following his arrest. I’m sure frequent readers of this site will be able to guess what problems I had with this episode and you would probably be absolutely spot on. I’m not a fan…

Arrow – Season 4 Episode 15

“Taken” Arrow tackles the lingering issues of Oliver’s son William in an attempt to resolve it in a way that lets the show move onto other things. Before I start I will register my disappointment that there is an episode of Arrow called “Taken” that doesn’t feature Oliver Queen going full Liam Neeson on the…