The Flash – Season 8 Episode 19
“Negative Part 1”
The Flash delivers part one of a two-part finale where the answer to an enduring mystery is provided and the threat starts to reveal itself.
The Review at the End of the Universe
“Negative Part 1”
The Flash delivers part one of a two-part finale where the answer to an enduring mystery is provided and the threat starts to reveal itself.
“The Man in the Yellow Tie”
The Flash explores the mechanics of the new Speedster’s temporary speed as an old enemy shows up in unexpected circumstances.
“Keep It Dark”
The Flash tests Allegra’s leadership skills in a high-risk situation as Barry deals with a new Speedster in town.
“The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen”
The Flash deals with a case of rapid ageing when Barry is exposed to radiation that accelerates the ageing process.
“Into the Still Force”
The Flash sees Barry enter the Still Force in an attempt to find Iris as Chester investigates a suspicious device and Caitlin prepares to raise the dead.
“Death Falls”
The Flash continues to deal with the Deathstorm problem as Frost prepares herself for the final confrontation before the city is overwhelmed with grief.
“Death Rises”
The Flash brings in a new unstoppable threat as Iris’ time sickness worsens.
The Flash has the team work to find a way to stop the Black Flame and bring Ronnie Raymond back in the process.
The Flash deals with excessive risk when Frost offers herself as bait for the sentient fire taking lives in Central City.