Molly’s Game

Aaron Sorkin takes his first seat in the director’s chair with the high stakes poker themed crime thriller Molly’s Game. The main thing Aaron Sorkin has become known for over the years is the way he writes his dialogue. This was made famous by the TV show The West Wing and was at the root…

10 Best Movies of 2017

I’ve given you my worst of the year list so I’ll end the year on a positive note with the best. 2017 was another year of change for Kneel Before Blog. The biggest change was that we switched to a star rating system for film around halfway through the year. TV will continue to be…

The LEGO Batman Movie

Chris McKay gives the LEGO movie franchise its second outing with The LEGO Batman Movie where the blocky Dark Knight builds his way to a safer Gotham City. The Lego Movie was a pleasant surprise as it could have so easily been a shameless excuse for product placement but the end result was something far…

Sausage Party

Various food items ponder the nature of existence while making as many lowbrow puns as possible in Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon’s Sausage Party. This film has a premise that is difficult to sum up in a brief opening sentence but that’s the general idea here. If you imagine Toy Story but with food then…