Arrow – Season 7 Episode 8

“Unmasked” Arrow deals with the aftermath of Oliver’s release from prison by exploring what his life and the structure of the show looks like with the shift in status quo. In a way, Oliver’s imprisonment was a really simple solution to the problem of Oliver Queen’s vigilante double life being known to the public. It…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 7

“The Slabside Redemption” Arrow closes out the prison arc with the long awaited Oliver/Diaz showdown amidst an all out prison riot. Seven full episodes of Oliver Queen in prison was far more than I expected from this season. Of course a long plot doesn’t necessarily mean a good one but the writers have made good…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 6

“Due Process” Arrow continues to progress Felicity down her obsession fuelled darker path while showing the possible end result of the choices she makes in the future. Felicity’s character arc this season has been really interesting because of how heavily justified it is. She is at her most desperate at this point and seems to…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 5

“The Demon” Arrow continues to intensify the risk to Oliver Queen as his incarceration in Level Two continues as Felicity takes it upon herself to provide some outside assistance. Five completed episodes and Oliver Queen is still in prison. I must say I’m shocked that this story has gone on so long and I’m pleased…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 4

“Level Two” Arrow moves Oliver to another level of the prison which presents new problems for him as Dinah and Rene’s disagreement over what to do with the new Green Arrow comes to a head. The prison storyline has gone on for longer than I thought it would have and it shows no signs of…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 3

“Crossing Lines” Arrow continues to have Oliver Queen compromise himself in prison as Felicity’s obsession with bringing Diaz to justice grows. I mentioned last week that many TV shows achieve long term success by making minor changes to the formula while keeping things feeling familiar. The previous episode had a fairly standard Team Arrow sequence…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 2

“The Longbow Hunters” Arrow introduces the Longbow Hunters and plays around with changing team dynamics during Oliver’s absence. One of the best things about a long running TV series is that years of character development allow for a rich assortment of supporting characters capable of carrying their own stories. Most of the characters in this…

Arrow – Season 7 Episode 1

“Inmate 4587” Arrow returns for a seventh season with Oliver Queen in prison, Felicity and William in witness protection as well as the rest of Team Arrow finding a place for themselves now that they can’t resume their vigilante careers. Season 6 was definitely an uneven season though it did have a strong finale that…