Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 13

“That Hope Is You Part 2” Star Trek: Discovery ends its third season with a resolution to the Su’Kal plot and a frantic race to retake the ship from Osyraa. Osyraa as a villain has been curiously handled over the season. She started out as a name that was periodically dropped to set up the…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 12

“There is a Tide…” Star Trek: Discovery airs its penultimate episode with the ship under siege and an offer that could change the Federation forever. One of the bigger problems that has plagued this season is world building or the lack of it. Venturing into a new and unexplored time period provides plenty of opportunity…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 11

“Su’Kal” Star Trek: Discovery reveals the source of The Burn and gives Tilly a trial by fire in the Captain’s chair. This won’t be new information to anyone who has read any of my reviews this season but I don’t find The Burn to be an engaging mystery. It’s a catastrophic event that happened prior…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 10

“Terra Firma Part 2” Star Trek: Discovery continues to focus on Georgiou as she relives a significant time in her life. This episode has a mountain to climb going in as success is largely dependent on how much you can invest in the Mirror Universe. I’m of the opinion that the Mirror Universe is a…