Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 9

“Terra Firma Part 1” Star Trek: Discovery devotes time to finding a solution to Georgiou’s problem as death quickly approaches for her. After all the posturing in the previous episode as to the cause of Georgiou’s issues it turns out the answer was nearby all along. All Culber had to do was ask the now…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 8

“The Sanctuary” Star Trek: Discovery introduces the villainous Osyraa and presents a difficult situation for the Discovery crew to navigate. So far this season has had an issue with world building in that elements are introduced and not covered in any great detail. The Emerald Chain have been referenced a lot and used as an antagonist…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 7

“Unification III” Star Trek: Discovery visits what used to be known as the Vulcans in search for more information that could unravel the mystery of The Burn. The fact that The Burn propels so much of the storytelling in this season is something I find immensely problematic. Mileage will definitely vary but I don’t find…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 6

“Scavengers” Star Trek: Discovery sees Burnham go Rogue in order to rescue Book and track down intelligence that could be pivotal in learning the cause of The Burn. I find myself consistently in two minds about this season. On one hand I’m largely on board with the return to episodic storytelling with character based threads…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 5

“Die Trying” Star Trek: Discovery connects with the Federation and gets a sense of what has changed about the organisation since their native time. The structure of this season remains what I anticipated it would be when I reviewed the third episode; self contained stories that feed into each other but remain their own distinct…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 4

“Forget Me Not” Star Trek: Discovery heads to the Trill home world in order to find out why Adira has no access to the memories of the Symbiont and Saru looks to take care of the well-being of the crew. I mentioned in my review of the previous episode that this season looks to be…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 3

“People of Earth” Star Trek: Discovery begins a more detailed exploration of the future with a visit to Earth to see what has become of it in this time period. After two episodes of table setting it is really refreshing to see some forward momentum on the storytelling. There are still lingering threads of setup…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 2

“Far from Home” Star Trek: Discovery continues its third season with the titular starship’s arrival in the future along with her crew. The most frustrating thing about this season so far is that the first two episodes have been largely devoted to table setting with the previous episode focused on Burnham’s arrival into a future…