The Boys – Season 3 Episode 8
“The Instant White-Hot Wild”
The Boys concludes its third season with an all-out confrontation and an exploration of the complexities of family.
The Review at the End of the Universe
“The Instant White-Hot Wild”
The Boys concludes its third season with an all-out confrontation and an exploration of the complexities of family.
“Here Comes A Candle To Light You To Bed”
The Boys explores truth and how it can be twisted in the aftermath of Annie’s public declaration.
The Boys continues to blur the lines of morality as various conflicts come to a head and alliances fracture.
“The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies”
The Boys explores the corruption and temptation that comes with having power of any kind as different partnerships continue to fracture
“Glorious Five Year Plan”
The Boys continues to develop the Homelander threat as various parties consider how best to combat him.
The Boys has returned for a third season with a lot of radical shifts for the characters
“The Future” Supernatural prepares for the birth of Lucifer’s child as Sam and Dean try to figure out a way to make sure that the potential danger is removed. Kelly Kline being on the run protected by Dagon has been going on for what seems like forever but there also hasn’t been that much time…