True Detective – Season 2 Episode 8

“Omega Station” The eighth and final episode of True Detective season two has come and gone, and it’s difficult not to compare it to the first season’s finale.  There, Rust and Marty finally got their guy, and in somewhat of a twist ending, Rust survived the shootout, leaving hospital arm in arm with Marty, a…

True Detective – Season 2 Episode 7

“Black Maps and Motel Rooms” True Detective episode seven is the narrative yin to episode six’s characterisation yang.  For weeks, Nic Pizzolatto has been exploring the minds of our four damaged protagonists.  Broken families, relationships and promises abound in the City of Vinci, CA.  Cops and criminals deal with their personal problems first, before allowing…

True Detective – Season 2 Episode 4

“Down Will Come” The majority of episode four of True Detective is a slow burn.  We’re being drip-fed information about the case, the land deal, Caspar’s past and our protagonists throughout the hour.  Every new detail is fascinating in the moment, but only leads to a craving for more.  Even as the puzzle of the…

True Detective – Season 2 Episode 3

“Maybe Tomorrow” In fairly surreal fashion, True Detective episode three begins with a musical number – Conway Twitty’s version of “The Rose” – inside Ray Velcoro’s head.  Could these be the last flashes of electricity dancing through his dying brain?  He’s at his usual seat at the bar; his own personal purgatory.  Seated across from…

True Detective – Season 2 Episode 1

“The Western Book of the Dead” Nic Pizzolatto’s brooding crime drama True Detective returned on Sunday for its second season, with an entirely new cast and location.  This time around we’re leaving behind the bayous of Louisiana for the industrial sprawl of California. Season 1 was incredibly well received and much of this hinged on…