The Gifted – Season 1 Episode 6

“got your siX” The Gifted splits off the various stories and explores different schools of thought on what it means to have powers. Differing opinions on what to do with Mutant powers is among the bread and butter of the X-Men franchise. In its purest form we have Charles Xavier who believes in peaceful coexistence…

The Gifted – Season 1 Episode 5

“boXed In” The Gifted makes use of Lorna being back in the fold as the Mutant Underground try to figure out their next move. Prior to this episode we have seen barely any of how Lorna fits into the group dynamic. We know what others think of her and have a very clear sense of…

The Gifted – Season 1 Episode 4

“eXit Strategy” The Gifted works to bring the gang back together when the Mutant Underground mount a rescue mission to retrieve Lorna. I find the handling of Lorna in this show to be really interesting. She is the best character and Emilly Dumont consistently delivers the strongest performance of any of the cast. Separating her…

The Gifted – Season 1 Episode 3

“eXodus” The Gifted continues to test the assumptions of the characters as some of them are forced to make compromises to protect those that they love. Reed brings the main thrust of this idea as he is forced to make a deal with Sentinel Services in order to protect his family. The deal involves him…

The Gifted – Season 1 Episode 2

“rX” The Gifted follows on from an impressive opening episode by continuing to take its time and focus on the characters. To my mind the weakest aspect of the first episode was the handling of the parents. They were well acted but given very little to do other than be parents. As parents their main…

The Gifted – Season 1 Episode 1

“eXposed” Fox continues to expand their X-Men franchise by adding another television show to the mix in the form of The Gifted; a different take on mutancy and how it relates to the modern world. The X-Men films have had the running theme of acceptance and coming to terms with ones “true self”. In almost…