The Amazing Spider-Man – Renew Your Vows

Issue #1 Secret Wars has begun and brings many changes to the Marvel Universe allowing old fan favourite stories to be dusted off and revisited. One such continuity shift that had fans up in arms was the infamous Spider-Man story One More Day. For those not in the know, this story was a magical reset…

On the Panel – Amazing Spider-Man

Issue #15 – Spider-Verse Epilogue Spider-Verse is officially -sort of- over with this epilogue supposedly capping off the major plot threads while setting things up for what will happen with the characters in the future. This article will cover the issue itself and I’ll do another post where I write about the series as a…

On the Panel – Amazing Spider-Man (2014)

Issue #1.4 This particular issue of Amazing Spider-Man functions nicely as a microcosm of Peter Parker as a character. Structurally the story starts off with everything going very well in his academic, home and Spider-Man life, progresses to his sense of responsibility getting in the way and ends up with everything that was good about…