Kneel Before Pod – Legion – Sucking on Elephant

The psychedelically mind bending X-Men inspired TV show Legion returns for a long awaited second season and brings back the unique sense of lunacy that can only be brought by this show. Kneel Before Pod continues to commit to discussing this singular entry in the X-Men canon starting with the first episode “Chapter 9”. As…

Kneel Before Pod – Marvel’s Inhumans

Marvel’s Inhumans has brought an end to its first -and likely- only season so Kneel Before Pod saw fit to give it a send-off in the form of a podcast since we were there at the very beginning. Craig and Chris took on the responsibility of talking about this show. The discussion covers the numerous…

Interview with Arrow’s Echo Kellum

In the latest interview segment, Craig had the pleasure of talking to Echo Kellum who plays Curtis Holt aka Mr. Terrific on Arrow. The brief chat covers how he got into acting, his interests and his time on Arrow as well as his hopes for his character. We wish him well and hope that Curtis…

Kneel Before Pod – Legion – Season 1 Episode 7

“Chapter 7” The Legion podcasts continue with “Chapter 6”. Craig, Aaron and Chris all return for more mind bending discussion as answers start to come our way…along with more questions. As always the discussion veered off in different directions. This week we covered our collective love of Matt Berry in The IT Crowd, the musical…

Kneel Before Pod – Legion – Season 1 Episode 6

“Chapter 6” The Legion podcasts continue with “Chapter 6”. Aaron is missing in action again this week so Craig and Chris hold the fort and aimlessly discuss Legion. As always the discussion veered off in many directions including a sizeable discussion about best selling songs in the 70s, Beauty and the Beast, the upcoming film…

Kneel Before Pod – Legion – Season 1 Episode 4

“Chapter 4” The Legion podcast reviews continue with “Chapter 4” with Craig and Chris providing the discussion on the fourth episode. As with all discussions this one was as varied as always with digressions into The Tomorrow People, Alice in Wonderland, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The IT Crowd, other X-Men films. We start to get…