Interview with Rick Cosnett
Recently, Craig had the pleasure of talking to actor Rick Cosnett. The conversation covers how people change as they get older, life experience and realistically playing being on drugs.
The Review at the End of the Universe
Recently, Craig had the pleasure of talking to actor Rick Cosnett. The conversation covers how people change as they get older, life experience and realistically playing being on drugs.
The Flash completed its nine-season run and Kneel Before Pod had to get the show out of its system by discussing it. The conversation covers meandering plotting, using guest stars and Cecile’s commuting troubles.
“A New World, Part 3 – Finale”
The Flash and the Arrowverse ends with a final battle against the Negative Speed Force, a birth and the dawn of a better world.
“A New World, Part 3 – Changes”
The Flash prepares for the final episode with a resurrection and a corrupting influence looking for revenge.
“A New World, Part 2 – The Blues”
The Flash details the other side of the story with Team Flash reacting to Barry’s disappearance and becoming aware of the new threat.
“Impulse Excessive Disorder”
The Flash focuses on Bart and Nora as they scramble to fix alterations to the timeline that they had a hand in causing.
“Duet” The Flash crosses over with Supergirl when Barry and Kara are put in a shared coma fantasy where life is an old timey musical. I’ll preface this by saying that this episode will definitely be a “mileage may vary” sort of episode as your enjoyment will largely depend on whether or not you like musicals….
“Into the Speed Force” The Flash sends Barry into the Speed Force in an attempt to rescue Wally from the prison that he was tricked into by Savitar. This episode counts as something of a sequel to “The Runaway Dinosaur” in that both share the plot detail of Barry interacting with the Speed Force on a…
“The Race of his Life” Season 2 of The Flash comes to an end with Zoom’s master plan becoming clear and Team Flash having to find a way to stop him. Let’s talk about Zoom! He has been a problematic villain to say the least. At the beginning of the season he was a mysterious…
“Invincible” Zoom begins his campaign to bring chaos to Earth-1 when he unleashes a legion of Metahumans on the unsuspecting population in the second season penultimate episode of The Flash. The opening moments of this episode were visually excellent as we saw the Metahumans really tearing through Central City and setting up a problem that…