Kneel Before Pod – A Skrull Filing Cabinet

In advance of Avengers: Endgame the team got together to discuss the most recent Marvel release, Captain Marvel. The discussion covers alien cats, young Samuel L. Jackson and Skrull filing cabinets. Craig can be found on this very site. Natalie can be found on this site or under her own website showcasing her own projects…

Captain Marvel

The Marvel Cinematic Universe heads back to the 90s to introduce a new superhero in Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s Captain Marvel. Avengers: Endgame is mere weeks away but in the meantime Marvel take the opportunity to introduce a character who will be important in that film. Marvel often excel in bringing characters to life…

Kneel Before Pod – Pacific Rim

Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim has a sequel coming out in the near future so this made for the perfect excuse to talk about where it all began. A range of topics are covered in the impact the film has had, the overall silliness of the film and the expanded universe. Speculation on what the…

Warcraft: The Beginning

Duncan Jones brings the world of Warcraft to life with Warcraft: The Beginning, the first in a trilogy that will continue in Warcraft: The Middle and conclude in Warcraft: The End. That last part I made up but it was joke that I simply couldn’t resist. Now that the riotous laughter is over with I’ll…