Doctor Who – Season 12 Episode 2

“Spyfall part 2” Doctor Who concludes the opening arc of the current season with a time hopping adventure and the unexpected return of an old enemy. The previous episode ending with the reveal that The Master is pulling the strings of the current crisis was a great cliffhanger to build anticipation for this episode. As…

Doctor Who – Season 12 Episode 1

“Spyfall Part 1” Doctor Who returns after a year long hiatus with a mystery for Team TARDIS to solve and a James Bond inspired plot. Often paying homage to properties that are well placed for parody such as the James Bond franchise means that writers get carried away with referencing well known aspects of the…

Doctor Who – Season 11 Episode 6

“Demons of the Punjab” Doctor Who takes Team TARDIS back to India in 1947 on the day that the Partition of India became a reality after Yaz asks the Doctor to show her a piece of her family history. Time travel brings a large degree of curiosity with it. There is the temptation to be…

Doctor Who – Season 11 Episode 4

“Arachnids in the UK” Doctor Who takes the group back to where they started where they find themselves in the midst of a large spider infestation. One of the strengths of Doctor Who as a TV show is that it can do pretty much anything. There are no real limits in terms of genre or…