Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 10

“Et in Arcadia Ego Part 2” Star Trek: Picard finishes its first season with a ticking clock, an Apocalyptic threat and ruminations on the meaning of existence. I’ve been very critical of the more recent episodes of this show because the answers to the questions posed over the course of the season proved to be…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 9

“Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1” Star Trek: Picard brings Soji home with a large Romulan armada on their tail looking to destroy it. Admittedly it’s not my best attempt to summarise an episode in a single sentence but at a very high level that’s all this episode is really about. Picard and crew make…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 8

“Broken Pieces” Star Trek: Picard answers one of the major mysteries as well as a few of the other lingering questions posed throughout the season. This shows strengths lie more in its characterisation rather than its storytelling. The previous episode was almost the perfect example of this with the bulk of the scenes living up…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 7

“Nepenthe” Star Trek: Picard splits the crew when Picard takes refuge with a couple of old friends and the crew of La Sirena play cat and mouse with a Romulan pursuer. As a life long fan of TNG this episode was one I was very much looking forward to. The return of William T. Riker…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 6

“The Impossible Box” Star Trek: Picard joins up the two main storylines when Picard makes his way to the decommissioned Borg Cube in search of Soji. The main criticism of Star Trek: Picard that I’ve seen is that  it moves far too slowly. It’s not an entirely unfair observation and one that I’ve talked about…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 5

“Stardust City Rag” Star Trek: Picard shows the next step of the quest to find the truth about the flesh and blood Androids with a trip to a different sort of pleasure planet. Building an entire season of television -even one that’s only 10 episodes- around a central mystery is a potentially problematic prospect as…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 4

“Absolute Candor” Star Trek: Picard begins Picard’s mission with a visit to a planet he once had a strong connection to in order to recruit another member to his band of misfits. In the previous episode, Picard was in no doubt about where he belonged and what gives his life meaning. Everything in his life that…

Kneel Before Pod – Tea, Earl Grey, Decaf (142)

Sir Patrick Stewart recently returned to his iconic role of Jean Luc Picard and that could not go undiscussed. The conversation covers synthetic life, the inner workings of technology in Star Trek and the practical cost of running a transporter. Craig can be found on this very site. Laura can be found on her website…

Star Trek: Picard – Season 1 Episode 3

“The End is the Beginning” Star Trek: Picard finishes assembling the necessary pieces for Picard to head into space and begin his mission. Pacing is a difficult thing to master in TV and film as there has to be the perfect balance between making a narrative meaningful to the characters experiencing it while keeping the story…