On the D/L – The 100

Season 2 Episode 8 – “Spacewalker” The 100 is over with for 2014 and the focus is on resolving Finn’s storyline as well as setting things up for the next part of the season. “Spacewalker” opens with Clarke returning to Camp Jaha armed with the knowledge that the only way to prevent a shooting war…

On the D/L – The 100

Season 2 Episode 1 – “The 48” The 100 returns for a second season and all but abandons the status quo from the first. The camp is gone and most of the characters are cast out in very different directions giving them unique problems cut off from any support. Clarke wakes up in a sterile…

Finale Fever – The 100

The fever is long over by now but I’m finally getting around to writing this. Season 1 ended with a two part finale so I’ve chosen to cover both of them in the same article, I’ll say something about each episode and give my thoughts on the season as a whole at the end. Season…