The Flash – Season 3 Episode 17

“Duet” The Flash crosses over with Supergirl when Barry and Kara are put in a shared coma fantasy where life is an old timey musical. I’ll preface this by saying that this episode will definitely be a “mileage may vary” sort of episode as your enjoyment will largely depend on whether or not you like musicals….

The Flash – Season 3 Episode 16

“Into the Speed Force” The Flash sends Barry into the Speed Force in an attempt to rescue Wally from the prison that he was tricked into by Savitar. This episode counts as something of a sequel to “The Runaway Dinosaur” in that both share the plot detail of Barry interacting with the Speed Force on a…

The Flash – Season 3 Episode 15

“The Wrath of Savitar” The Flash brings Savitar back into focus as the self proclaimed “God of Speed” engineers his escape from the Speed Force. I’ve been really hard on The Flash lately and that’s largely because I no longer enjoy this show. This season has been bad from almost every angle and there’s no…