Superman: Man of Tomorrow

Chris Palmer’s Superman: Man of Tomorrow takes the Man of Steel right back to the beginning for a fresh take on his origin. Adapting a character that has been around for as long as Superman has and finding a different approach to telling the story of what led to him becoming the iconic hero is…


Oliver Stone’s Snowden tells the story of infamous NSA employee Edward Snowden and what led him to expose the surveillance techniques employed by the United States Government to the public. This is a story that is still very much going on so making a biopic about it at this stage seems somewhat baffling since the…

Kneel Before Pod – Star Trek Beyond

The bridge crew consisting of myself (Craig), Sandy, Angus and Natalie reassembled to complete our discussions of the rebooted Star Trek films by talking about Star Trek Beyond. The review of the film can be found here. Please be advised that there are significant spoilers for the film but the audio does forewarn you of…

Star Trek Beyond

Justin Lin takes the director’s chair from J.J. Abrams to deliver Star Trek Beyond; the third in the alternate reality reboot of Star Trek. Three years ago I walked out of the midnight screening of Star Trek Into Darkness as an angry man. Nobody should be as angry as I was at 2am and I…

Kneel Before Pod – Star Trek Into Darkness

After our discussion of Star Trek (2009) it only made sense to talk about Star Trek Into Darkness. Natalie, Angus, Sandy and myself (Craig) got back together to discuss the divisive sequel and come to some form of consensus on what works and doesn’t work about it. This is the second podcast so all feedback…

Kneel Before Pod – Star Trek (2009)

Kneel Before Blog is branching out into the Podcast world and what better way to begin than talking about the J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies. On the panel for this particular discussion were me (Craig), Angus, Natalie and Sandy who all had differing opinions on this entry into the Star Trek franchise. The discussion went…