The Flash – Season 2 Episode 8

Dec 2, 2015 | Posted by in TV

“Legends of Today”

The Flash kicks off the second annual two night crossover event with a story that introduces us to Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and Hawkgirl while still finding time to progress the lingering season arc.

Kendra is the catalyst for bringing the two teams together as she is targeted by Vandal Savage while on a date with Cisco. After a brief fight Barry concludes that his powers are more mystical than scientific which is completely out of his wheelhouse so he decides that enlisting Oliver and his team to help out is the best plan as they have experience with the mystical side of things. How Barry reaches that conclusion after seeing Savage throw some knives is beyond me but I appreciate the commitment to get the plot moving without dwelling too much on giving reasons for Barry to ask Oliver to help.

The Flash

Together again

Once the two teams are together the plot really begins and it’s a lot of fun while it happens. There are a good amount of scenes of the characters simply interacting and bouncing off each other. This was great to watch as the actors all work really well together so it’s good to see them celebrate the universe they have built by simply having some fun. Diggle’s reaction to seeing Barry’s powers is always amusing.

There appears to be some tension between Barry and Oliver this time out. It isn’t to the level that they are going to be in direct conflict but I think it’s a result of Barry’s increasing confidence as he settles into a leadership role. He has gained more experience and doesn’t idolise Oliver as much as he used to so the dynamic between them has changed. Part of it has to do with Oliver’s personality shift as well. He’s a much lighter character who has found renewed purpose so his relationship with Barry will have changed as a result.

Cisco was an important part of the episode as his relationship with Kendra is what kicks this whole thing off. He has a lot to deal with in finding out about Kendra’s origins. They haven’t spent much time together but there’s a sense that he really cares about her and all of this is going to make continuing a relationship with her problematic. The standout comedy moment of the episode was his conversation with Thea about hair but he had great banter with all of Team Arrow. Cisco could easily move over to Arrow and fit right in.

It’s interesting that the side of the crossover story on The Flash felt more like an Arrow story with most of the action being set in Star City using more of the Arrow characters. It appears that the second part will be mostly set in Central City which will flip the Arrow side of the crossover to feel more like an episode of The Flash. I like that the two shows are connected enough to make these transitions feel natural and the general structure is more like a live action crossover comic than I’ve ever seen on television. Of course the main purpose of this story is to set up Legends of Tomorrow but it doesn’t feel at all forced in this instance as the characters all contribute in meaningful ways.

The Flash

Enter Hawkman

The mythology of Hawkman and Hawkgirl was really clearly explained when Hawkman shows up to encourage Kendra to “emerge”. he introduces himself as Prince Khufu though the name Carter Hall was mentioned. It is made clear that Hawkman has basically cast off that name as he knows who he really is and has embraced that. He is adamant that Kendra does the same by accepting her true identity as his soulmate Shiera. The DC TV universe is going with the Golden Age versions of these characters which is as good a backstory to go as any. With the mystical storytelling playing out in Arrow this season it fits with what this universe is trying to establish. Tying their reincarnation story to Vandal Savage is a good idea as well as it keeps the large stakes firmly connected to the characters involved. This does feel like a natural opportunity to have John Constantine on board since this would definitely be his area of expertise but I guess we can only have so much awesome in one story.

Kendra/Shiera goes through the arc that you might expect when having all this information dumped on you at once. At first she is overwhelmed by meeting the Flash and Green Arrow then has her mind blown by the appearance of Hawkman and the explanation of her true origins. It’s a lot to take in and Ciara Renée puts that across well. The hints at her true nature are always there as she conducts herself bravely throughout. I loved the scene where she discovered her wings and flew for the first time. It looked great and the music was awesome.

Hawkman doesn’t have much to do beyond spewing exposition. It’s information that needs to be put across but it could have been handled better than him being chained up and explaining things. He and Kendra don’t really have much in the way of chemistry but I suppose that’s the point since she is only starting to come to terms with her identity. I think he will have more to do in the second part of the story.

The Flash

Epic team-up shot

Vandal Savage is pretty engaging as a villain so far but suffers from a lack of screen time. His introduction coming off the freighter was really cool but him randomly showing up to be quickly thwarted doesn’t help his case as an engaging villain. This only serves as an introduction for the character so I’ll cut it some slack for now. He’s certainly mysterious enough to remain interesting for now and stacks up pretty well against the other immortal villains that have been introduced.

Caitlin and Harry move along the story that has been building up all season. Harry is working on a serum to enhance Barry’s speed and enlists Caitlin to help him develop it. Jay returns to voice his concerns over the serum but Harry persistently insists that more drastic action needs to be taken to take on Zoom. He comes from a point of view of science where Jay comes from the perspective of being chosen to be the Flash. I’m surprised that Jay is more unwilling to try it given that he is a scientist. I think it would have worked better had he simply disagreed with letting Harry experiment on him. Jay’s role in this season has been pretty underwhelming considering how often he has been missing. It was cool to see him with limited powers for a little while so hopefully this will expand later. It’ll be interesting to see how Barry reacts to having this resource at his disposal.

Patty is getting to the point where people need to start being honest with her. She has discovered that Harry exists and that Joe is somehow involved. The only way out of this is being told some version of the truth as she is too smart to be fobbed off with another simple excuse. Her relationship with Barry is lacking enough in angst that there’s still time to prevent it from going down that irritating road.

The Flash

Vandal Savage with a mystical weapon

It seems to be a trend in the crossovers for Oliver to come across the child he never knew he had. The sampling is only two but it happens at the end of this episode again. Oliver clearly knows that this is his child but it remains to be seen what will be done about it -if anything- in the second part. It feels more like something that should be dealt with on Arrow since it’s a problem specific to Oliver Queen.

Another issue I had is with the notion of secret identities. Cisco instantly referred to Barry by name when he saves him as the Flash and the next scene has Kendra in S.T.A.R. Labs while Barry is out of costume. No mention is made of the fact that Cisco casually compromised Barry’s identity. This is only compounded by the fact that Oliver lets Kendra into the Quiver -I’m going to call their HQ that from now on- without knowing her at all. Both characters are established to be far more cautious than that so it doesn’t make sense for this not to be mentioned.

The issues I had were very minor issue in an episode that was otherwise excellent. This feels like the first part of a two part story so this does most of the setup for what will hopefully be an all action conclusion. I’m looking forward to seeing the next part.

The Flash

Enter Hawkgirl

  • 8.5/10
    Legends of Today - 8.5/10


An excellent episode that successfully combines the two casts while doing more setup for Legends of Tomorrow.

Kendra is the catalyst for the two teams coming together after an attach from Vandal Savage causes Barry to enlist Oliver to help since he has no experience with the mystical. It’s a bit of a stretch that Barry would conclude that Savage has magical powers after seeing a small display of his powers but I’m happy to go with it if the plot moves forward as a result.

Seeing the two teams together was as much fun as it always is. The two casts work really well together so it’s a good move to have a number of scenes where they simply bounce off each other.

There is some tension between Oliver and Barry this time around. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Barry is more experienced and is growing into his role as a leader. Oliver has changed a lot with the lightening of his character as well so that will change up the dynamic.

Cisco was an important part of the episode as his relationship with Kendra gets this started. He has a lot to deal with when he finds out her origins. There’s a real sense that Cisco cares a lot about her despite the fact that they haven’t spent much time together. The standout comedy moment of the episode comes from Cisco’s conversation with Thea about their hair. Cisco has great banter with all of Team Arrow and would fit right in should he ever want to move shows.

This episode proves that the shows are connected so naturally that a two part story can happen across both with it feeling at all forced. It’s the best live action crossover comic structure that I’ve ever seen on TV.

The mythology of Hawkman and Hawkgirl was clearly explained by Hawkman who has already embraced his origins and encourages Kendra to do the same. These shows are going with the Golden Age version of the their backstory which fits with the mystical edge that Arrow is bringing to the table. Tying Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s resurrections to Vandal Savage is a good idea as it keeps the stakes firmly focused on the characters.

Kendra/Shiera goes through the expected arc when having all of this information dumped on her at once. She seems visibly overwhelmed but remains brave throughout. The scene where she realises her potential and flies for the first time is really cool.

Hawkman has little to do beyond spewing exposition. The information needs to be revealed but it could have been handled better. He doesn’t have much chemistry with Kendra but I suppose that’s the point since she has only just realised her potential. No doubt he will have more to do in the second part of the story.

Vandal Savage is well done so far but suffers from a lack of screen time. His introduction was cool but having him show up to be quickly thwarted doesn’t do much for him but there’s plenty of time to give him a more prominent showing in the next part.

Caitlin and Harry tackle the Zoom problem by trying to come up with a serum to enhance Barry’s speed. He wants to test it on Jay who refuses. Harry comes from the point of view of science where Jay comes from the perspective of being chosen. I’m surprised that Jay is more unwilling and it might have been better had he objected to letting Harry experiment on him. Jay hasn’t been handled as well as he could be with his long absences and lack of effect on the overall plot so far.

I had an issue with the notion of how people treat secret identities. Cisco casually says Barry’s name in front of Kendra which got her access to S.T.A.R. Labs followed by Oliver’s HQ despite them not knowing her at all. I feel that the characters should be more cautious about it.

These issues are minor in an otherwise excellent episode that sets things up nicely for the second part. I look forward to what promises to be an exciting conclusion.

It seems to be a trend in the crossovers for Oliver to come across the child he never knew he had. The sampling is only two but it happens at the end of this episode again. Oliver clearly knows that this is his child but it remains to be seen what will be done about it -if anything- in the second part. It feels more like something that should be dealt with on Arrow since it’s a problem specific to Oliver Queen.

Another issue I had is with the notion of secret identities. Cisco instantly referred to Barry by name when he saves him as the Flash and the next scene has Kendra in S.T.A.R. Labs while Barry is out of costume. No mention is made of the fact that Cisco casually compromised Barry’s identity. This is only compounded by the fact that Oliver lets Kendra into the Quiver -I’m going to call their HQ that from now on- without knowing her at all. Both characters are established to be far more cautious than that so it doesn’t make sense for this not to be mentioned.

The issues I had were very minor issue in an episode that was otherwise excellent. This feels like the first part of a two part story so this does most of the setup for what will hopefully be an all action conclusion. I’m looking forward to seeing the next part.

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